Yesterday I shared the SoulCollage card I pulled from the Direction of North in my final Medicine Wheel reading of Winter 2014. Today I share the card I pulled from the direction of East. As I step into Spring, calling in vital, passionate infused intimacy with the masculine, this card speaks beautifully to the new beginnings of how my inner child will engage in this process too.
SoulCollage Card and Poem by Raven Shree
There are parts of my little girl calling to open
calling to trust
parts of me that were stunted from growing
that are now ready to stand upon the welcome mat of life
and say YES!
I open the Feminine in me
and reach out to the masculine
knowing the same love of the divine
beats in both our hearts.
I am a grown woman now
and no longer fear the masculine's attempt to kill me,
control me, consume me, annihilate me.
That is in the past; that little girl is no longer in physical form
however she still has an energetic place in me -
I reach out from this place and trust that man can love me.
I offer myself as joy and light
knowing some stag out there would hop with joy to have me ride him
There is man out there that wants to take care of me,
protect me, love me, and cherish me as the soft feminine being that I am.
I will allow this and cherish;
not as a broken little girl needing daddy,
but as a woman with a little girl
open to receiving and cherishing love and affection.