Jun 25, 2012

Power Medicine is Afoot

This weekend, I saw a massive entity in the forest. He was huge and possessive. When I entered into the place of the land, I could feel the transition into the eerie and intense. I felt the power of this entity wanting to take possession inside of me. Powerful opportunity for me to engage my boundaries and power. 
Then I saw him, he was huge, the size of a basketball court. He exploded in front of me, like white, moving smoke. I felt the soot of his grim, slam against my body. It was intense. I circled the space, holding my power and awe of the force I was in relationship with. 
Upon completing my circle of the land, I moved out of the space, honoring the lesson of witnessing a real and intense force in this world; seeing it with my own eyes, touching its molecules with my awareness. Power medicine is afoot. 

Jun 14, 2012

Claiming my Flesh Signature

I recently got fingerprinted for my legal name change and what an amazing experience that turned out to be. Meditating on my fingertips before my appointment, realizing I am claiming these as Raven Shree, I came to deeply honor how my hands have become a vital part of my unique delivery system of soul to the world. Through touch, massage, and energetic attunement, my hands have become a powerful way for me to connect with others and be a conduit for spirit and consciousness.  
Diving deeper into connecting with my hands and attuning them to Raven Shree for my fingerprinting experience, I bless each fingertip as an extension of my heart wings. Claiming Raven as my first name puts me in the aviary realm of flight, deeper into the species of bird, into the element of air, which of course, governs the Heart Chakra. The deeper I go with claiming my new name, the deeper the medicine takes me on my soul journey. 
I massage each arm, blessing them as extensions of my heart wings, thanking them for the many flights of giving and receiving they have brought into my life; the countless hugs, the heavy loads lifted, the precious life forms embraced. What a blessing to have arms and hands, to be able to reach out with, and push away from; to take pictures with, to create art with, to move gracefully by my side as I walk this earth. 
Massaging my right wrist, I reflect on past traumas experienced with this arm in my childhood. Noticing how I labeled my right arm as my “bad arm” for most of my life, anchoring in pain and trauma, rather then the strength this arm has cultivated to overcome obstacles. Releasing definitions of weakness as I release my birth name, and claiming Strength and Fortitude as I claim Raven Shree. 
I have so much appreciation for my hands and fingers, and the connection to life they offer me and those I come into contact with. I bless each fingertip, knowing each one has a unique signature, one that I am claiming as the flesh signature of Raven Shree. 

Another step taken in claiming my new name...

SoulCollage Creation 

Jun 4, 2012

The Name Change Continues

When I was 17 my parents and I terminated our family connection. As part of this violent process they wanted me to change my last name. I considered this demand, however, the time and cost to change it would have been on me, and I did not feel they were worth it. I also had some spite and rage that said “No, you choose to have me, therefore, I will keep your last name till the day I die….and have it chiseled into my gravestone to be claimed forever.” 
Since this resolution, I’ve grown quite a bit (and I’ve had a lot of therapy too!). Many of you that follow my blog have read about the various ceremonial ways I've released the last name of Holloway. I no longer have connection to this name, and when I have to claim it in any way it feels uncomfortable - it no longer fits. 
Now that it’s time to change my name legally, I realize there is work I need to do to bring closure to the name of Jenni. I’ve have used this moniker for 40 years and have built quite a legacy around it. Many people know and love Jenni, and to see that name go, brings some people a sense of loss. I never considered this a by-product of my name change process, however, as I claim Raven Shree more fully, I’ve had friends express grief around losing Jenni; some with tears and some even requested a funeral so they can say their final good-byes. 
As I move further into the process of legally changing my name, I am taking time to sit with the legacy created by Jenni. She got me to this point and what a fine job she did. She forged through shadow with stoic resolution and lived a beautiful survival dance to make it in this world. Jenni was the heroine of my first adulthood, and for that I am forever thankful. Now, as I move through my mid-life transformation, and begin to take steps into my second adulthood, one more in line with my unique delivery system of soul, I claim Raven Shree. 
So, with each signage of paperwork required to do the legal stuff, and all the shifts that have to take place to step more fully into the mythopoeic identity being downloaded into me form the divine, I take sacred time to honor the past that lead me here, while also strengthening my commitment to the larger work being called to live through my eco-identity.